MacBooks are among the best laptops on the market, consistently impressing us year over year. Apple announced on Monday that it’s adding the M3 processor to its popular MacBook Air lineup. With the addition of the M3 chip, as well as support for Wi-Fi 6E and dual monitors, the latest MacBook Air models offer some solid reasons to upgrade right now.
These new MacBook Air models are available in two sizes: 13 and 15 inches. If you prefer a larger screen for your workstation, the 15-inch version will serve you well, without being too cumbersome when you’re traveling. However, if you want something a little smaller, the 13-inch may be a better fit. Each laptop provides up to 18 hours of battery life per charge. It’s worth noting, however, that you will need to have your lid closed to support two displays with the M3 models, so be sure you consider that as you shop.
Preorders for the new MacBook Air are open now with deliveries beginning March 8. As of right now, only Apple, Amazon, Best Buy and B&H are offering preorders on one of these sleek, upgraded devices, but we’ll keep you updated if that changes.
If you don’t necessarily need the power that comes with the new upgrade, considering other models may be a good idea. With preorders for the M3 models underway, now’s the time for bargain hunters to spend even less by taking advantage of discounts that may be available on MacBook Air M2 devices. However, if you want the latest version, you can preorder the M3 models right now at the links below.