The first Android 14 developer preview has been released, Google announced on Wednesday. It offers hints on a slew of changes coming to the next version of Android, as well as a renewed focus on high-quality tablet apps.
Notable changes seen in this week’s release are smarter 200% font scaling for better accessibility (different sized text on the same page will now scale proportionally), passkey authentication support and the ability set different languages on different apps. The developer preview also includes changes to increase security, improve device battery life and make it easier for apps to download files over Wi-Fi only.
“With every release, our goal is to make it easier for you to optimize your app across all Android surfaces,” Dave Burke, Google’s vice president of engineering for Android, said in a statement. “Multi-device experiences are a big part of the future of Android.”
Google’s Android 14 release timeline indicates that the developer preview will remain open for feedback until the end of March, and its beta program should roll out in April. The developer preview is currently open to Pixel phones, but later previews will likely be available to more Android phones.
Consumers will have to wait a little bit longer for the final release, which is expected later this summer or fall, closely following the timeline for Android 13 for Pixel phones, which was released in August 2022.
People can expect to learn more about the coming updates for Android 14 at Google I/O in May.