Now that there are a dozen different streaming services to choose from, it can be tough to know which ones are worth the money and which ones you can do without. You’ll certainly want to check out what shows and movies each service carries, but you’ll also want to make sure the app runs smoothly on your devices and the interface is easy to use. Paramount Plus is one of our favorite streaming services available in 2023, and today is your last chance to take advantage of an offer that scores you a free month of Showtime when you sign up for an Essential or Premium plan.
Paramount Plus offers two different plans that are bundled with Showtime, and while you typically get a one-week free trial, right now you can upgrade to a one-month free trial when you use the promo code ALLNEW23 at checkout. There are two different plans to choose from, and after the one-month trial, your subscription will revert to the usual monthly cost. Both plans include full commercial-free access to Showtime content, but vary a bit on the Paramount Plus side.
The $12-a-month Essential plan gives you access to Paramount Plus shows and movies with limited commercials, as well as NFL on CBS, top soccer and CBS live news. The $15-a-month Premium plan has no ads, gives you access to additional sports and your local CBS channel, and allows you to download shows and movies.
This offer is only available to new subscribers and expires tonight, so be sure to get signed up soon if you don’t want to miss out on these savings. And be sure to check out our roundup of all the best streaming service deals for even more ways to save.