After months of rumors the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 was launched on Wednesday and you can place your preorder right now. Doing so should get you a new foldable phone on or around Aug. 11, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Order now and you will also benefit from the free storage upgrade offer that’s running at multiple retailers, too.
That means that buying a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 for its starting price of $1,000 will not only get you the latest flip phone but also a full 512GB of storage rather than the 256GB entry-level model. And that isn’t even the end of the story — you’ll also save up to $900 when you trade in your old phone, too.
That special deal is with Samsung itself, and we’re expecting carriers to also offer their own discounts on the hottest new thing in tech. With a fast Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, a larger 3.4-inch outer display and a 6.7-inch foldable inner one, you’re going to get a lot of phone for your money regardless — and a notable upgrade over the older Galaxy Z Flip 4.
What colors does the Galaxy Z Flip 5 come in?
The Galaxy Z Flip 5 comes in a ton of colors, although some are Samsung-exclusive. Every retailer should offer the graphite, lavender, cream and mint colors. But those looking to pick up a new Galaxy Z Flip 5 in gray, blue, green or yellow are going to have to buy direct from Samsung.
How much does the Galaxy Z Flip 5 cost?
The starting price for the Galaxy Z Flip 5, before you add any trade-ins or take advantage of any discounts, read as follows.
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 (256GB): $1,000
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 (512GB): $1,120 (currently offered as a free upgrade)