The Studio Display monitor from Apple debuted back in March alongside the Mac Studio desktop at Apple’s “Peek Performance” event. It features a 27-inch 5K Retina screen, an A13 chip, a 12-megapixel ultrawide camera with Center Stage and a high-fidelity, six-speaker sound system. It’s Apple’s most affordable external display in its current lineup and is now readily available for purchase from Apple directly or from third-party retailers like Amazon, Best Buy or B&H.
Since its launch, discounts have been hard to come by but we have seen some short-term price drops at retailers, as well as deals on refurbished models, so we will continue to update this page as more Studio Display deals become available.
How much does the Apple Studio Display cost?
You can buy the Studio Display starting at $1,599 ( 1,499, AU$2,499) and $1,499 for those eligible for Apple’s education discount. You can also upgrade to nano-texture glass ($300) and a tilt- and height-adjustable stand ($400).
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Best Apple Studio Display deals
Besides Apple, there are a few retailers that have the Studio Display available for purchase. And while wait times were pretty long upon release, now retailers have some available for immediate purchase, with only a few models that are harder to track down. Some only have select configurations available, so check the retailer websites for what is in stock as well as expected delivery dates.
Order the Studio Display at Amazon and you can save as much as $200 versus its regular price. Standard glass models are around $100 off right and the nano-texture glass model with the tilt- and height-adjustable stand around $150 off.
B&H has the Apple Studio Display options available for immediate shipping, including both standard or nano-texture glass with a tilt-adjustable stand and a tilt and height-adjustable stand. Better yet, select models are available with up to $200 in holiday savings.
You can, of course, order your Studio Display directly at Apple. While you won’t get a price drop there, you can pay in installments with your Apple Card and enjoy 3% cash-back. Additionally, most Apple stores offer same-day in-store pickup, as well as next-day delivery in certain areas. Be sure to check your ZIP code on the company’s site for specific information about your location.
One of the first retailers to carry and release the Studio Display was Best Buy. Some models are currently sold out, but you can get the standard and nano-texture glass tilt-adjustable models and the nano-texture glass tilt and height-adjustable version right now.
Adorama has the nano-textured glass with tilt-adjustable stand and the standard glass with tilt and height-adjustable stand configurations of the new Studio Display available for immediate purchase and shipment. The nano-textured model is discounted by $100.
Additionally, the Adorama Rewards program is free to sign up for and allows you to earn points to redeem as credit against future purchases.