Should You Buy a 3D Printer on Prime Day?

Short answer: Yes. Amazon’s annual Prime Day event is a great time to pick up your first 3D printer or expand your collection.

While there are always budget options for 3D printers, Amazon’s Prime Day — July 11 and July 12 — is the best time for you to jump into the hobby. Major brands like Elegoo, Anycubic and FlashForge often have significant savings on the most popular printers and big discounts on the stock they’re trying to clear.

While there are some generous discounts on Prime Day, make sure the savings you are getting are real. More than one company raises its prices on or just before Prime Day only to reduce it back down and call it “savings.” It’s a dirty practice, but one we’re constantly aware of.

In addition to making recommendations, we track the prices of these products as well to offer the best advice for Prime Day. Our 3D printer deals page will have the latest verified deals, so keep your eyes out in the coming weeks.

Which 3D printer should you buy on Prime Day?

There are a lot of major 3D printer brands that will likely cut prices this Prime Day, and which model you buy will depend on what type of 3D printer you need. Most of the sales will center around the more common FDM printers — these create 3D prints from rolls of plastic filament, rather than liquid resin — so you’ll see the biggest discounts there.
Anycubic and Elegoo have recently refreshed their lineups so you can expect to see discounts on their previous-generation 3D printers and smaller discounts on the latest ones. I’m hoping that we see a discount on the Anycubic Kobra 2, as it is one of the best fast 3D printers available right now.