Rumors are buzzing ahead of Samsung’s Unpacked event later this month. Among the latest is that Samsung’s next smartwatch, rumored to be the Galaxy Watch 6, will have a business model, according to a SnoopyTech leak that was reported by 9to5Google on Tuesday. Details about the sizes of the watch models, as well as other details, have also been reported.
It’s unclear what, exactly, a business model will mean, but it may be sold with a different focus. As far as details about the Watch 6, photos reviewed by 9to5Google reportedly confirm that the watch will have sapphire crystal glass, a temperature sensor and thinner bezel (the border between the display and frame).
See also: Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: The Best Android Watch, for Now
The same report also revealed, through review of a photo on another website, details about the size of the newest watch: the Galaxy Watch 6 may come in 40mm and 44mm sizes, and the Watch 6 Classic may come in 43mm and 47mm sizes.
Samsung didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the report.
Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Unpacked event on July 26 will be its first held in South Korea. The tech giant is expected to unveil its next foldable phones, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5, as well as new wearables and Galaxy Buds.
Read more: Samsung May Show Off Galaxy Z Flip 5 in First Seoul Unpacked