Running your own business can be very time-consuming, from ensuring your products and services are delivered on time to managing your team and making sure everybody is happy. That said, keeping tabs on your company finances is probably the most important thing, and while there are plenty of personal budgeting apps, they aren’t necessarily equipped for complex business needs.
Intuit QuickBooks is one of the biggest names in accounting software and is a super helpful tool for keeping your business’s finances in check. And while one-year subscription to its Simple Start plan usually goes for $30 per month, or $360 per year, StackSocial has a limited-time 30% discount that will bring it down to just $250. There’s also a similar 30% discount on the one-year subscription to the Essentials plan, dropping it down to $500 from $719.
One great thing about Intuit QuickBooks online is that it moves all of your bookkeeping to the cloud so you can access your information from all of your devices. That makes it a lot easier for collaborators to come in, like your accountant, and provide support virtually rather than needing to go into the office. In fact, Simple Start lets you connect one billable user and two accounting firms. Other useful features include income and expense tracking, receipt organization, cash-flow management, sales and sales tax tracking and more. If you go with the Essentials plan, you also get things such as the ability to add three billable users and three sales channels instead of one, plus more comprehensive reporting.
Since you access Intuit QuickBooks online, it’s important to have a solid internet connection, so check these internet deals for an upgrade. Alternatively, if you plan to use it away from your office, such as when traveling, be sure to check out these tablet deals and laptop deals for more convenient access.